Updates on speech progress
18 months old
Flipping through the photos taken, Preston has grown so much.
Weighs almost 13kg now
Preston starts talking! He can say a few words already and he is picking them up fast. He starts recognizing different types of fruits. However, he is still having problems learning 3 syllabus word, for instances, he will relate 'papaya' to 'pa pa' and he pronounces coconut as 'cococo'...
19 months old
Today, he is more than 19 months old already. He is getting better and better each day. He can form a simple sentence with a noun and a verb with his limited vocabulary. Such as, 爸爸拿,妈妈拿,康康吃,airplane vroomm (take off). He is also able to express himself and let us know his needs.
Flipping through the photos taken, Preston has grown so much.
Weighs almost 13kg now
Preston starts talking! He can say a few words already and he is picking them up fast. He starts recognizing different types of fruits. However, he is still having problems learning 3 syllabus word, for instances, he will relate 'papaya' to 'pa pa' and he pronounces coconut as 'cococo'...
19 months old
Today, he is more than 19 months old already. He is getting better and better each day. He can form a simple sentence with a noun and a verb with his limited vocabulary. Such as, 爸爸拿,妈妈拿,康康吃,airplane vroomm (take off). He is also able to express himself and let us know his needs.