Preston is 5 months old
Yesterday was Preston's 5 month old birthday. He has grown from a tiny little new born to a big baby now. Some updates of Preston:
> He weighs 7.5 kg now, doesn't gain much weight since last month, but he looks healthy and chubby.
> I have started him on a bit of solid food, i.e. infant cereal, he seems to like it a lot. However, feeding him cereal is a really messy affair. All three of us smell like cereal after the meal.
> He is teething already since last 2 weeks. Two lower front teeth are sprouting out from his gum. Therefore he drools like a water tap, a fresh bib can only last him for five minutes. He bites every thing he can get hold of, even tissue paper.
> He knows how to flip from back to tummy, he will flip non-stop if he is on the bed. However, he cannot flip the other way round. He has more urge to start crawling than to flip back.
> He is counting his fingers! We have been teaching him to count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with his fingers. We noticed that he is counting his fingers today... so cute, even though he still cannot control his fingers.
> He stretches like a yoga master, he loves biting his toes!
Happy 5 months old, Preston!
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