Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Two months old

Preston is two months old and is growing really really fast and well.

There were a few incidents that freaked me out how well he is developing,mentally and physically.

> He has almost outgrown all his clothes, booties and mittens. My husband and I has decided to get him some new clothes and booties, not getting him anymore mittens because we are trying to take off his mittens soon as he has to learn how to grip and hold things. We bought him 2 shirts last night with the label saying it is for 6 to 12 months old infant. Guess what! They are the same sizes as those shirts that he has almost outgrown, guess we gotta bring back to the shop and perhaps telling them, "Hey, these are too small for my two months old baby..."

> He can actually recognizes people... He will smile at me when i look at him pretending that I didn't see him. Anyone with kid will know how tiring it is to carry a baby all the time and will definitely take a break if there was a chance to. But his smile melts my heart and making me feel guilty for ignoring him. Gosh!

> He is only two months old and he already knows how to talk!!! I was teaching him to say 'ooo' last night, he was concentrating on my lips movement and imitated it. To my surpirse, he actually said it! not randomly but responded to my 'ooo'. His daddy tried it with him again later, and he did it again!! Oh, I hate to say that but I am so proud of it.

--posted by mama


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